We have extensive experience in sound and vibration control/isolation services that span many applications from audio/video to industrial.
Each application of acoustic sciences and related technologies is unique though they may share properties. For this reason, we provide several service options, each of which are adapted to a specific application and use.
JHBrandt specializes in Acoustics Design & Consulting and is located in Bekasi, Indonesia. We provide world-wide design and consulting services for music studios, halls & other critical listening spaces.
We provide a unique service based on remote, off-site consultation (site visits are rarely made) making use of modern and inexpensive communication technologies. Consultation is done using email, phone, text chat and video- conference. Plans are drawn up and coordinated with the various team participants, architects, builders, engineers, and other involved parties. Projects are coordinated through regular photo and video inspection until the project is finished. We do not rest until expectations are met through accurate field measurements that validate the successful completion of the project.
This business model allows us to offer our services at fraction of the cost of the competition, thus enabling our clients to save thousands of dollars and reduce the CapEx* of new infrastructures.
From multi-room, audio, and video production facilities built from the ground up to garage and basement home studios, we have the experience and knowledge to meet your most demanding specification criteria. Let us help you early in the critical planning stage and lead you to professional results!
*CapEx: Capital Expenditures are funds used by a company to acquire, upgrade, and maintain physical assets such as property, plants, buildings, technology, or equipment.
We specialize in the following:
- Professional Music Studios
- Commercial Video & Cinema Facilities
- Home Recording Studios
- Home Theaters
- Multimedia Presentation/Conference Rooms
- Performance and Entertainment Spaces
- Educational facilities
- Industrial Acoustical Applications
A professional facility has requirements brought upon it not only by the medium in which it operates but also by the surrounding community.
Environmental sound isolation is an absolute must just the same as isolating the local environment from sounds being generated inside the facility. As digital recording has improved the signal-to-noise ratio of the actual recording process, a modern studio must have an equivalent signal-to-noise in its acoustics.
HVAC noise levels must never exceed NC-10 (noise criteria). The Mean Free Time measurements (reverberation time) must meet a predetermined specification for each room according to its function. Spaces must be designed to spread in the direction of the workflow, supporting the creative process. Natural lighting is incorporated where possible. Noise-free electrical and audio wiring is critical.
Accessibility (ADA facilities), musicians’ lounge, loading bays, storage access, machine rooms, server rooms, and toilets are all part of what makes a successful commercial music studio.
Video/Film creation and viewing are two sides of a coin but they both share a common thread: acoustics plays a major role in the success of both.
Live footage is blended with studio effects and dubbing. These effects and the dubbing must match absolutely perfectly with the live take. For this reason, ADR rooms/booths use extreme isolation and near anechoic treatment to remove any artifacts from the recorded dub or effect.
Likewise, a cinema must provide an environment so that the participant is immersed in the film. Both types of facilities must meet the noise requirements of NC-15 (noise criteria). We design dubbing theaters and cinema theaters in 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos, and Auro 3D.
The same criteria as commercial music studios above for offices, lounges, toilets, etc., applies.
A home studio presents its own challenges. Most of the time, an unused room is cleared for this purpose and this room is less-than-ideal in shape and/or size. We can help you confront the challenges involved with solid, experienced, consulting.
Ceiling height for internal room acoustics as well as nearby noise sources or noise-sensitive neighbors are among the most common issues.
Our designs confront these challenges with proven techniques and specific guaranteed outcomes. Given enough space, you can create, mix, and/or master in one of our home studios just as well as you could do in a commercial facility.
You might not want to go to a public cinema again after watching a movie in one of our Home Theaters. The sound is accurate just as the producers heard and saw the film when they were editing in post-production. The sight lines are optimal the sound is as-though-you-are-IN-the-movie.
Home Theater spaces are often used for audiophile listening. Every parameter is optimized in this room system: – electronics, sight lines, acoustics, isolation, HVAC, and room lighting.
Our designs incorporate the latest in electronics and acoustics technology. Dolby Atmos is supported as well as 5.1, 7.1 surround, and Auro 3D. Screens can be motorized, perforated or the new curved screen 4k LED large panel smart-TVs.
Isolation is a critical component in any theater installation. HVAC noise must not exceed NC-15 (noise criteria). Lighting, seating, and general aesthetics are all critical parts of this special room.
You have a very important presentation to give. It is important that your team really gets what is being said and discussed and that nothing is left to chance or misinterpretation.
An overly reverberant space is the enemy of speech recognition. If you have ever tried to have a quiet conversation in a noisy coffee bar or restaurant, you know what I’m talking about. The reverberant field dominates and to compensate, one raises his or her voice. This often devolves into cacophony where every person is struggling to sort one voice out of the babble.
Specialized acoustic wall and ceiling panels that also house other needed amenities like shelving, lighting, and wall decor can be installed to reduce the reverberant field and improve speech intelligibility.
In presentation rooms, the seating and viewing angles are also critical, as is the presenters’ area. All of these fields are addressed during our initial consultation and are specified in our detailed drawings.
Again, sound isolation is important and part of the whole. It is best to get us involved early in the project so as to avoid costly remodeling expenses.
These spaces require the ultimate in acoustic isolation and acoustic performance not only from the audience’s perspective but critically from the performers’ perspective as well. This is because the space is a complete system comprising the building, performers, and audience. This system is a conduit for the exchange of ideas, emotions, thoughts, and feelings. It is a very human experience.
We understand this intuitive and counter-intuitive system and design so that both the performers and audience can be uninhibited by the system or building in the exchange of information.
Extraneous noise must be eliminated along with any noise-producing equipment within the facility. This includes HVAC and the noise criteria are specified from NC-15 to NC-20.
Electrical and audio wiring must follow special rules to eliminate noise, hum, hash, and interference. This is critical.