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For the ones with a deeper interest in the field of acoustics, here is a list of technical data, recommended articles, readings and links.

If you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions on any of the material available, please feel free to contact us.

All of the resources available on our site are free to download.

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“Recording Studios and Other Acoustic Spaces” by John H. Brandt & Ron Sauro

This book gives you an insight on the history of music recording studios and guides you step-by-step on how to successfully transform a room in your house into a beginner studio, without compromising on sound quality. We cover the all important mixing room, booths, isolation, and of course, acoustics. We also show you how to build your own traps, diffusors, studio doors and windows. Speakers, wiring, and ventilation are also covered in this all-in-one guide.

The subjects covered (so far) are listed in the Table Of Contents below. The book is due to be finished editing very soon and will be a Hard-Cover A3 size landscape book of about 500 pages. The book will sell for about $300 to $350 USD and contain coded access to online material.

1. Acoustic Myths and Misconceptions
2. DIY design is a Bad Idea
3. Building Isolation – (sound-proofing)
2.1 Base Noise Levels – Reference
2.2 Doors
2.3 Windows
2.4 Floating Floors
3. Control Rooms – The Heart of the Studio
3.1 Room Ratios
3.2 Room Shapes
3.3 Control Room Acoustics
3.4 Design Considerations – It’s Physics!
3.5 Problem Equipment and Furniture
4. Tracking Rooms
4.1 Room Ratios and Shapes for Tracking Music and Voice
4.2 Music Studio Isolation Needs
4.3 Tracking Room Acoustics
5. Music Recording Booths
6. Voice-over Booths
6.1 Size and Shapes
6.2 Acoustic Control
7. Foley and ADR
8. Room Treatment Designs
8.1 Broadband Absorption
8.2 Broadband Absorption with Slats
8.3 Helmholtz resonators
8.4 Membrane Absorbers
8.5 Diffsorbers
8.6 Diffusors
8.7 Gas Flow Resistivity Testing
8.8 Absorption Coefficients

9. Speakers
9.1 Flush-Mounting
9.1a Hard Flush-Mounting
9.1b Soft Flush-Mounting
9.2 Mid-Field Speakers
9.3 Near-Field Speakers
9.4 Sub-Woofers
10. Electrical Wiring and Grounding
10.1 Safety First!
10.2 Zero-Loop Area Wiring
10.3 Eliminating Noise Injection/Pickup
11. Audio and Low-Voltage Wiring
11.1 Impedance Balancing
11.2 Speaker Wiring
11.3 The Systematic Approach
12. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
12.1 Isolation
13. Day-Lighting
14. Recording Studio Designs (PLANS!)
14.1 Bedroom Studio (PLANS!)
14.2 Basement Studio (PLANS!)
14.3 Detached Home Studio (PLANS!)
14.4 Professional Recording Facility (PLANS!)


J.H.Brandt Acoustic Designs takes reasonable steps to ensure that the details contained in the provided materials are accurate and up to date. We may amend, add, replace or remove materials without notice. John H. Brandt and its associates, will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication or use of or reliance upon calculations obtained from the provided materials, or for incorrect completion or usage. We provide these materials in good faith without express or implied warranty.