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For the ones with a deeper interest in the field of acoustics, here is a list of technical data, recommended articles, readings and links.
If you have questions, comments, and/or suggestions on any of the material available, please feel free to contact us.
All of the resources available on our site are free to download.
- DIY ABSORPTION TESTING by Ron Sauro and John Brandt
- Assess the Environment
- Absorption Coefficient (CONSTANT)
- Sound-Proofing: The Quest
- Sound waves in Air and Fiber
- AES Noise Susceptibility - Neil Muncy
- How To Find How Much Isolation You Need
- Room Acoustics Design And The Frequency-Power Spectrum
- Balanced Non-Environment Criteria
- Grounding, Wiring, & Zero Loop Area
- Noise Susceptibility in Analog and Digital Signal Processing Systems
- AES Ground Loops-Rest of Story - Whitlock-Fox - Generic Version
- Recommendations For Surround Sound Production
- The Myth Of The Booth
- STC, MTC, OITC and RW calculations
- How to build a studio-grade lapel mic
- AES TECHNICAL COUNCIL - Document AESTD1001.1.01-10
- Rec. ITU-R BS.1116-1 1 - RECOMMENDATION ITU-R BS.1116-1
- “Subjective assessment of audio quality” - EBU Technical Review Winter 1997 - Hoeg et al.
- ASHRAE 62.1-2013 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
- An Overview of Audio System Grounding and Interfacing
- HVAC How to Size and Design Ducts
- The Misunderstanding of Acoustic Diffusion and Testing by Richard L Lenz
- Acoustics Master Class Curriculum
- A Comparison of the Predicted Absorption vs Proposed Absorption Constant
- A New Way of Determining the Total Absorption of Gypsumboard Wall Structures
- Absorption Coefficient Dead or Alive 2016
- Absorption Coefficients (Pt 1)
- Absorption Coefficients (Pt 2)
- Absorption Coefficients Part 1 (IN09_091)
- Absorption Coefficients Part 2 (IN09_092)
The following resources are a part of our reference library and are placed here for your information. Highly recommended Reading list
If you really want to get technical
- Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control, by Malcolm J. Crocker
- Acoustics: Sound Fields and Transducers 1st Edition, by L.L. Beranek & T. J. Mellow
- Acoustic Absorbers and Diffusers, by Trevor J. Cox & Peter D’Antonio
- Architectural Acoustics, by Marshall Long
- Springer Handbook of Acoustics, by Thomas Rossing
“Recording Studios and Other Acoustic Spaces” by John H. Brandt & Ron Sauro
This book gives you an insight on the history of music recording studios and guides you step-by-step on how to successfully transform a room in your house into a beginner studio, without compromising on sound quality. We cover the all important mixing room, booths, isolation, and of course, acoustics. We also show you how to build your own traps, diffusors, studio doors and windows. Speakers, wiring, and ventilation are also covered in this all-in-one guide.
The subjects covered (so far) are listed in the Table Of Contents below. The book is due to be finished editing very soon and will be a Hard-Cover A3 size landscape book of about 500 pages. The book will sell for about $300 to $350 USD and contain coded access to online material.
J.H.Brandt Acoustic Designs takes reasonable steps to ensure that the details contained in the provided materials are accurate and up to date. We may amend, add, replace or remove materials without notice. John H. Brandt and its associates, will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication or use of or reliance upon calculations obtained from the provided materials, or for incorrect completion or usage. We provide these materials in good faith without express or implied warranty.